Show #20 : Anthony Citro
"Anchoring Ascension Energy - Keep It Simple Seeker"
Original Broadcast Date: April 7, 2013, 8:00 PM EDT
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Spiritual Teacher and Healer Anthony Citro returns once again to TBOT to offer easy-to-understand (and implement) methodology in accessing the Energies of Creation.
Following on his successful collaboration with Al Leone (and TBOT) - creating a series of YouTube videos assisting the seeker in just that - here he puts it "all together," demystifying the process, clearly communicating just what the "Energies" are and how you are part of them!
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Anthony Citro
After reading and teaching the Tarot for many years, and having explored various concepts and realities - both religious and 'new age' - Mr. Citro's personal spiritual transformation came about when he met his Teacher, Master Healer Derek O'Neill, of Dublin, Ireland in 2003. Anthony is a Certified Teacher and Initiated Practitioner of the Rising Star Healing System; a Prema Birthing Facilitator and Instructor; a Karnak Initiate into the Great White or Gold Brotherhood, and a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui tradition.
Founder of the 'Languages of Liquid Light' Healing Center, based in New York City, he has devoted a good deal of his energy towards encouraging people everywhere and from all walks of life (and traditions) in embracing the 'Energies of Creation,' that which is everyone's Divine Birthright to experience consciously - thus realizing their personal Ascension Process, in this lifetime...and in the NOW! He offers a regular and ongoing workshop series to this effect, assisting anyone so inclined, in accepting and anchoring the VIOLET FLAME, the MAHATMA ENERGY, ENCODEMENT OF THE DIVINE RAYS (1 through 12), and one's I AM PRESENCE. He also conducts regular Activations/Initiations for those ready to become practitioners assisting others in incorporating the Ascension Energies. He is open to travelling to your Community, Sacred Space or Healing Center (please email for information) and present any of the above events to your group.