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Show #5 : Sheikha Maryam Faye

"The Sufi Path: Seek, and the Truth shall make you free"
Original Broadcast Date: July 17, 2011, 8:00 PM EDT

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Sheikha Maryam

Sheikha Maryam
Maryam Kabeer Faye is a traveler on the Path and loving servant of the Most High. When she was twelve years old she was given a painted scroll of an ancient wanderer, upon which were inscribed the words: SEEK AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE. This message galvanized her soul and determined the course of her life.
Following the call, she set out on the journey, internally and then externally, and was guided around the world many times, from one remarkable being to the next, everywhere collecting messages and clues, the gems of Divine Guidance. This journey, as the book’s title suggests has been one of profound transformation and illumination. Not by her own choice but by the will of God, she was guided through the exploration of the revealed paths into the heart of Islam, finding there the eternal truth brought by all the prophets and messengers (a.s.) sent by God to mankind.
Many falsehoods and illusions were dispelled for the author in the course of her journey in search of the Truth that would make her free.
Travel with her on the epic journey in order to gain the knowledge that may also set you free.