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Show #2 : Joey Brennan

"C.A.R.E. - Christian Addiction Recovery and Education"
Original Broadcast Date: June 6, 2010, 7:00 PM EDT
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Joey Brennan

Joey BrennanNew Jersey born and bred, Joey Brennan has lived just about everywhere and done just about everything.  As a road-tested drummer from the late '60s on, he constantly found himself surrounded by incredible musicians and environments.
Invite him in for a cup of tea - liquor is no longer the beverage of choice in his mid 60s - and he'll spend hours regaling you with his memories of Jimi Hendrix, his band with future members of the Vanilla Fudge, his shows at the Boston Tea Party or in Europe or Brazil, the times he opened for Ted Nugent or Billy Joel or Aretha Franklin, or the years he spent on a houseboat in the Sausalito Artist Community.
There aren't enough pages for this guy's comprehensive professional curriculum vitae.  Today, Joe once again calls New Jersey his home, and he is once again making music with a talented crop of friends.  He wants you to hear his new songs and enjoy them.
A big part of his life for the last 14 years has been creating and heading the CARE Ministry.  The CARE Ministry was created out of an affliction conquered and a need to be met.  Based on Christian principles, they have met every Monday night since, providing counseling, sharing, strength, hope and experience in Bergen County NJ at the Paramus Church of the Nazarene.
For all people interested in recovering from drug and alcohol abuse, CARE is a source of hope.  Keeping the the hard work of recovery in mind, CARE also provides a venue for fun and inspiration.  They sponsor retreats and fund raising concerts with Joe's well known friends from the music industry.  Come out, get involved and and enjoy recovery.