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New Date for Re-Broadcast

June 24, 2010

The re-broadcast of our first show, "The Cosmological Guideposts for 2012," has been moved to July 18, 7:30 PM EDT.  The decision to postpone the show was made following the return of Stephanie and Anthony from a spiritually enlightening but physically demanding week-long workshop in Ireland with their teacher, Derek O'Neill.  All concerned felt they wanted to be at their best for the re-broadcast and the eagerly anticipated chat following it.  Spread the word.  It promises to be a great event.

Re-Broadcast Planned!

May 16, 2010

We'd like to thank all who viewed the initial broadcast of "The Bridge of Truth" and made it such a success.  Featuring special guests Stephanie Azaria and Anthony Citro, "The Cosmological Guideposts for 2012" drew over 50 viewers with only a few days advance notice.  Since so many expressed an interest in seeing it again, or were unavailable for the first viewing, a re-broadcast is planned for mid June.  The exact date will be announced later this week.  We hope this will give viewers greater time to schedule it, as well as join "Enter The Bridge" and become familiar with how to use our site.  Members will have a wonderful live opportunity to ask questions to Stephanie and Anthony directly.  We also hope to take advantage of the video chat capabilities of "Enter The Bridge," and this additional time will give all of us a chance to gain familiarity with it.  Stay tuned!

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